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Affichage des articles du juillet, 2017

What happened !

There were two best friends who hung out around the corner from the school. They were drunks. Harmless ones And occasionally even helpful Particularly when the kids kicked the ball over the short wall. One day, one of the two friends showed up with a fancy suit He didn’t seem to miss his old life really. Construction started in the parking lot where they used to drink. Soon the kids stopped seeing the two brothers altogether. The shoe stores on the near street were replaced by new shoe stores. The kids from the playground got older and graduated from orange soda to coffee. Why did they build all these banks? You can only fit so many people on the sidewalk before they spill into the streets. He looks into the never ending street Nothing about it is familiar. 3 years since the smoke poured it up and the small gardens on the sides look like Europe or how he imagines the extravagant pavements of Casablanca. 3 years since he's been stuck What happened to his lif...


Okay so… I love starting off a thought with, “okay so…” It makes me feel like I’m giving off a super serious vibe and at the same time I get an extra moment to figure out what the heck I’m about to say. Casual Chadi, back at it again. Okay so, today I want to talk about the weather. Not like, the talk about the weather that every person on earth has every single day while making small talk, but more big picture. (That said, it was really beautiful outside today, like over the top perfect 11/10 everything). Big picture: I want to talk about the weather as marker of time. In some places (looking at you Rabat), the weather is the same pretty much all the time. Something about that predictability is appealing. You know what you’re going to get. It helps create lasting routines that maybe make you more productive or focused. It makes sense, I get it. One less potentially stressful thing out of the equation. In most places the weather changes with the seasons. Basically, summer is warmer an...

The school

The school is the only thing he knows With invisible walls like the fence around the house That keeps the cats away A book shelf sits in his room, essentially empty Full of titles he did not choose In the distance There is a vague outline of the alternative He sees it one way but describes it another Harsh and gray and he can’t figure out which is right.

Thursday or Wednesday or something?

I love the unwarranted question mark. Sort of feel like summer Thursday should exist in the winter too? It’s not a question, but the the marker still carries meaning. I’m not asking if you think there should be summer Thursdays in the winter, I’m telling you. Like, “Wait, how does this not exist already?!” It’s an unspoken question attached to the statement. It’s Thursday but I spent most of the day thinking it wasn't. That definitely goes in the loss column. Although more often than not it’s the opposite. Oh wait, it’s still only Monday, I thought it was Thursday. When is it gonna be Thursday again? Is there a word assigned to the opposite of "inspired"? Because I have been feeling quite "this word" lately, that I might get back to the ole’ blog. Why are you feeling so uninspired Chadi? Great question! There are a few things that have turned my frown upside down recently. -  Boredom. 24/7 and has no energy to do s***. -  I haven't been reading a lot! The w...