There were two best friends
who hung out around the corner from the school.
They were drunks. Harmless ones
And occasionally even helpful
Particularly when the kids kicked the ball over the short wall.
One day, one of the two friends showed up with a fancy suit
He didn’t seem to miss his old life really.
Construction started in the parking lot where they used to drink.
Soon the kids stopped seeing the two brothers altogether.
The shoe stores on the near street were replaced by new shoe stores.
The kids from the playground got older
and graduated from orange soda to coffee.
Why did they build all these banks?
You can only fit so many people on the sidewalk
before they spill into the streets.
He looks into the never ending street
Nothing about it is familiar.
3 years since the smoke poured it up
and the small gardens on the sides look like Europe
or how he imagines the extravagant pavements of Casablanca.
3 years since he's been stuck
What happened to his life?
What happened to the sound of bagpipes?
Everything's become fancy but his life.
Everything's become fancy but his life.
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