A bell rings in the distance
he hears it but ignores it
at least for the first few rings.
A light shines through the small crack
under the door to his bedroom
but he leaves the door closed
is there really something in there worth checking out?
There's a voice message from his mother
and his best friend
and his other best friend
but they can wait
and if they wait long enough they’ll forget about it.
He sits on a riverbank overlooking the waterflow
thinking about nothing at all
a light rain starts to fall
and he doesn’t seem to notice it
he just sits and stares out toward the horizon
like he’s made of plastic.
Time is at a standstill for these past few days where the night encapsulates our bodies and the trees shush out our voices. But that is all we ask for A moment of fortressed respite from the world From us.. As the loam pads our naked hearts By strange hands I don't know from where they're coming Yours fritts and mine's iron made Coz you can only be what you are You've had the heart of a star But light never had hit it before It rather went through the ripples and folds of your brain The best designer of ambushes I have ever seen "I'm just so confused", you whisper again for tear-stained emphasis Should I mention again That feelings are now real But no longer a reality "confused" is when you're screaming something that your mind does not yet understand
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